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Working together for the Highlands and Islands

The Highlands and Islands Regional Economic Partnership (REP) brings together public, private, third sector and academic perspectives in a partnership committed to delivering prosperity and opportunity across the whole of the Highlands and Islands.

The partnership has been established to take forward and co-ordinate partners’ actions to deliver inclusive and sustainable economic growth and build resilience throughout the region.

It is one of 8 REP partnerships which, together, cover the whole of Scotland, each seeking to create and deliver opportunities in their own region.

Our role and remit 

The REP has a key role in developing a regional vision for delivery of the Scottish Government’s National Strategy for Economic Transformation (NSET).

Find out more about NSET

The partnership is active in taking forward the region’s big economic opportunities and tackling challenges across the Highlands and Islands.

We have links to the Convention of the Highlands and Islands (COHI), chaired by the Deputy First Minister, which brings together regional organisations and the Scottish Government.

Find out more about our role and remit in our Terms of Reference.

View our Terms of Reference 


The area covered by the REP

Published on 22/11/2023




of Scotland's landmass


of Scotland's community owned land


live on an island

Regional Economic Partnership Map 1600X1000

Our region

The Highlands and Islands is a diverse landscape with unique geography, demography and culture. It covers more than half the land area of Scotland and is home to a diverse range of businesses, vibrant communities and enterprising people.

The region is at the forefront of Scotland’s journey to net zero by 2045.

Work themes

The REP is working on a number of themes that include:

  • developing a regional vision for delivery of the National Strategy for Economic Transformation
  • population – people attraction and retention
  • regional skills – future skills for green recovery
  • transport – infrastructure and service provision to deliver effective and resilient transport links
  • transformational opportunities – major investments driven by region wide collaboration
  • funding and resources – a regional voice in engagement with Scottish and UK Governments, and co-ordination of regional funding.


Working together for our region

The region covered by the Highlands and Islands Regional Economic Partnership includes:

Published on 22/11/2023


registered businesses


social enterprises


people employed in the region


is the median annual salary